Percakapan bahasa inggris 2 orang di taman

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Percakapan bahasa inggris 2 orang di taman

Hi! How are you?
I'm fine thanks
What are you doing?
Ooo I'm watering my plants
Thats nice. What plant are in your garden?
There are mango tree, rose, (bisa kamu tambah sendiri jenisnya)
Wow that is nice i have some plant in my garden too. There are(tumbuhan yang kamu pilih)
I see. Can i come to your gerden tomorrow?
Yes, and we can play at my house too
Ok! I will come to your house at 5(atau jam berapapun itu)
Right. See you tomorrow
Kamu bisa menambahkan atau mengganti jenis tanamannya semoga bermanfaat