1. , we should put more rubbish bins.

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2.he took his new toy to school
3.they dug a deep hole
4.go to bed early
5.john took a map
6.let's write down the address
7.we think we should trim the tree
8.we are wearing hats
9.tika finished her homework before dinner
10. ,she brushes them three times a day​

1. , we should put more rubbish bins.

1. , we should put more rubbish bins.


1. in order to keep our school clean

2. so he could show it to his friends

3. in order to plant the tree

4. so youre not tired in the morning

5. so that he wouldnt get lost

6. so we dont forget

7. in order to make it nicer

8. so we wont get sunburned

9. so she could watch her favorite tv programme

10. in order to have white teeth