Buatlah dialog berdasarkan situasi berikut :

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– You and your friend are visiting a new beach that has beautiful scenery. You compliment the beauty of the beach.

– You are noticing a boy helping an elder woman carry her groceries. You compliment his kindness. ​

Buatlah dialog berdasarkan situasi berikut :



Glenn: "The view's really something, huh?"

Lonnie: "Yes. It's beautiful."

Glenn: "You like it here? We should go more often, then."

Lonnie: "We should. Look at the horizon.. it's like the ocean is endless. Oh, this place would be wonderful during sunset."

Glenn: "Oh, we're staying here until nightfall. Don't even worry about it."


Cady: "Hey, kid. What were you doing?"

Seth: "I was helping that granny carry the groceries to her car."

Cady: "Yeah? Why'd you do that?"

Seth: "Cause she looked like she needed help! I like helping people. It feels nice."

Cady: "You have a good heart. Keep doing what you're doing, the townsfolk appreciate it."

Seth: "Aye, aye, captain!"