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1.Eight facts about satay stated by Udin.
1).Satay or'sate'is made of chicken,beer,or lamb
2).'Sate Ayam'is made of chicken
3).'Sate Kmbing'is made of lamb

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2. six facts about lemper stated by siti.

  1. 'lemper' is made of handful lump of steamed glutinous rice
  2. 'lemper' is filled with chicken or beef filling
  3. each piece of lemper is wrapped in a banana leaf
  4. the banana leaf wrapper is secured on both ends with toothpicks or 'lidi'.
  5. 'lemper' in the banana leaf is steamed or cooked over a very hot grill
  6. If the glutinous rice is well-cooked before 'lemper' is filled and wrapped, it can be served straight away with the banana leaf still green and fresh.

3. seven facts about pempek stated by Lina

  1. 'pempek' is a very popular food from South Sumatra
  2. 'pempek is made of fish and tapioca starch
  3. Fish, tapioca starch, and water are mixed to make thick dough
  4. 'Pempek' dough is boiled with different shapes and sizes until it floats
  5. the cooked 'pempek' is then deep-fried.
  6. 'pempek' is served with very thin sauce called 'cuko'
  7. Cuko' is made of water, palm sugar, chilly, garlic, tamarind and salt

4. eight facts about kerupuk stated by Beni

  1. 'kerupuk' are very crunchy crackers
  2. different kinds of 'kerupuk' are easily found in indonesia
  3. 'kerupuk' is made of tapioca starch
  4. 'kerupuk' or crackers are seasoned with a variety of flavors, namely fish, shrimp, or garlic
  5. 'kerupuk' is shaped in thin pieces
  6. 'kerupuk' are dried under the sun until it is completely dry and hard
  7. 'kerupuk' is deep fried in hot cooking oil
  8. there is also some kinds of 'kerupuk' are fried in very hot sand.

Mapel: bahasa Inggris

Bab: chapter VIII "they are made in indonesia"

Kelas: 9

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