Artiin min Many kinds of instant foods good for your health.they contain dangerous chemicals,like msg,preservatives,and artificial colours. We should not eat too much instant foods so that we will not get serious order to stay healthy we should eat a lot more healthy home made foods

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Artiin min Many kinds of instant foods good for your health.they contain dangerous chemicals,like msg,preservatives,and artificial colours. We should not eat too much instant foods so that we will not get serious order to stay healthy we should eat a lot more healthy home made foods

Banyak jenis makanan instan baik untuk kesehatan. mereka mengandung bahan kimia berbahaya seperti msg, pengawet, dan pewarna makanan. kita tidak seharusnya mengkonsumsi terlalu banyak makanan instan karena kita akan terkena penyakit serius. maka dari itu, untuk menjaga kesehatan, ada baiknya kita makan makanan rumah yang sehat