Imagine someone wants to go shopping for the following things:

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* Food for the goldfish
* Batteries
* Roller skates
* A vocabulary notebook
* A bottle of shampoo
Now make a crazy story that reminds you of all the things in the right orders

Imagine someone wants to go shopping for the following things:

Yesterday, I bought a bag of FOOD FOR THE GOLDFISH which my father's had. But strange things happened, instead of food, there are BATTERIES inside of it. I was so shocked! So I got my ROLLER SKATE to gave the food back to the shop and exchanged it with the real food. When I arrived at the shop and tried to open the door, A VOCABULARY NOTEBOOK flew into my face and hit me, hard! I fell to the floor and strangely, that made me forget about the purpose I came to the shop. So, instead of exchanging the batteries for the real food for the goldfish, I bought A BOTTLE OF SHAMPOO.

(ps: Tujuan dari ini adalah untuk membantumu mengingat apa-apa saja yang harus dibeli saat belanja tanpa perlu mencatat di kertas atau note)