Bahasa Inggris terjemahan cerita The Golden star fruit tree​

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Bahasa Inggris terjemahan cerita The Golden star fruit tree​

Bahasa Inggris terjemahan cerita The Golden star fruit tree​



A long time ago there was a rich old man living in Vietnam. He had two sons with different attitudes.The older brother was very greedy and the younger brother was very kind. When the old man died, the brothers divided his father’s wealth into two parts. The big brother took almost everything. He gave his younger brother only a small piece of land, with a star-fruit tree in front of it. From then on the younger one lived there and made his living only by selling star fruits from the tree. The star fruit tree had an exceptional amount of fruits. Unfortunately, a very big raven often came and ate all the ripe fruits. At first he was too afraid of the raven, and did not know what to do. But one day he dared to approach the raven. He begged to it not to eat the fruits. Surprisingly the raven was not angry. He said that he will pay the fruits with gold. From then on, the younger brother and his family could live happily in luxury. On the commemoration of his father’s death, the younger brother invited his older brother to come to his house. At first the big brother refused to come. But because his younger brother insisted, he and his wife finally decided to come. When they got to the younger brother’s house, they were surprised to see that he was now very rich. He asked his younger brother how he had got all his wealth and the younger brother was happy to tell him the truth. Then the greedy brother and his wife offered the younger brother to trade all their fortune for the star-fruit tree. The younger  brother gladly accepted the offer.When the raven came for the star fruits, the older brother made the same plea. As expected, the raven told him to bring a 1-meter long bag. Because he was greedy, he asked his wife to make a much longer bag. Because the load became too heavy for the raven, it swayed, and the greedy brother fell straight down to the sea with his bag and pockets full of gold. He sank very fast down the sea. The older brother finally died. He died because of his greediness.


Dahulu kala ada seorang lelaki tua kaya yang tinggal di Vietnam. Dia memiliki dua putra dengan sikap yang berbeda. Kakak laki-laki sangat serakah dan adik laki-laki sangat baik. Ketika lelaki tua itu meninggal, kakak beradik itu membagi kekayaan ayahnya menjadi dua bagian. Si kakak mengambil hampir segalanya. Dia memberi adiknya hanya sebidang tanah kecil dengan sebatang pohon belimbing di depannya. Sejak saat itu si adik tinggal di sana dan mencari nafkah hanya dengan menjual buah belimbing dari pohon tersebut. Pohon belimbing itu memiliki jumlah buah yang luar biasa. Sayangnya, seekor burung gagak yang sangat besar sering datang dan memakan semua buah yang matang. Awalnya si adik terlalu takut pada gagak tersebut dan tidak tahu harus berbuat apa. Tetapi suatu hari dia berani mendekati gagak itu. Dia memohon agar tidak memakan buah belimbingnya. Anehnya, gagak itu tidak marah. Dia berkata bahwa dia akan membayar buah itu dengan emas. Sejak saat itu, si adik dan keluarganya bisa hidup bahagia dalam kemewahan. Pada peringatan kematian ayahnya, si adik itu mengundang kakak lelakinya untuk datang ke rumahnya. Awalnya kakak itu menolak untuk datang. Tetapi karena adiknya bersikeras, dia dan istrinya akhirnya memutuskan untuk datang. Ketika mereka sampai di rumah adiknya itu, mereka terkejut melihat bahwa dia sekarang sangat kaya. Dia bertanya kepada adiknya bagaimana dia mendapatkan semua kekayaannya dan si adik dengan senang menceritakan yang sebenarnya. Kemudian, si kakak yang serakah dan istrinya menawari sang adik untuk menukar semua kekayaan mereka dengan pohon belimbing itu. Sang adik dengan senang hati menerima tawaran itu. Ketika gagak datang untuk buah belimbing, kakak lelaki itu mengajukan permohonan yang sama. Seperti yang diharapkan, si gagak menyuruhnya membawa tas sepanjang 1 meter. Karena dia serakah, dia meminta istrinya untuk membuat tas yang lebih panjang. Karena beban menjadi terlalu berat bagi gagak, ia bergoyang, dan si kakak serakah itu jatuh langsung ke laut dengan tas dan kantong penuh emas. Dia tenggelam dengan sangat cepat di laut. Kakak laki-laki itu akhirnya meninggal. Dia meninggal karena keserakahannya

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