16. The medicine contains … *

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a. Chloropheniramine maleate 400 mg
b. Pharacetamol 400 mg
c. Fenilpropanolamin HCL 2 mg
d. Chloropheniramine maleate 12 mg

17. The medicine can relieve some symptoms like … *
a. sour stomach
b. morning sickness
c. heartburn
d. sneezing

18. In what condition should the consumers consult a doctor before using the product? *
a. If the consumers have respiratory allergies
b. If the consumers have breathing problems
c. If the consumers have stomach problems
d. If the consumers have skin problems

19. Who must ask a doctor before eating the medicine? *
a. Adult
b. Children 6 to 12 years
c. Children under 6 years
d. Children 12 years and over

20. The label tells us about … of drug. *
a. Information
b. Uses
c. Directions

tolong dijawab
terima kasih:)
d. Warnings ​

16. The medicine contains ... *

16. The medicine contains … *

16. The medicine contains

A. Pharacetamol 400 mg


B, C, D, salah karena ..

Seharusnya chloropheniramine maleate 2 mg, fenilpropanolamin HCL 12 mg (berdasarkan label tersebut)

17. The medicine can relieve some symptoms like

D. Sneezing


Karena sour stomach, morning sickness, dan heartburn tidak tertera dalam label tersebut

18. Condition should the consumers consult a doctor before using the product is

B. If the consumers have breathing problems


Karena respiratory allergies, stomach problem, dan skin problem tidak terdapat dalam label tersebut

19. Children under 6 years must ask a doctor before consume the medicine



Dalam label tertera hanya anak yang dibawah umur 6 tahun lah yang harus menghubungi doktor dahulu sebelum mengonsumsi obat tersebut

20. The label tells us about information of drug



Semua jawaban benar, karena uses, direction, dan warnings terdapat dalam teks. Maka dari itu jika semua benar, maka jawabannya adalah informasi. Karena kata informasi memenuhi kriteria dari uses, direction, dan warnings.

Semoga Membantu ..