Bahasa inggrisnya sekolah ku bernama SMP 1 tumijajar di sekolah ku ada 26 kelas dan terdapat gedung yang besar. Disekolah ku ada kantin,perpustakaan,aula,kantor,koprasi,UKS,Lep ipa,lep komputer dan ada berbagai tanaman stiap kelas mempunyai pohon di depan kelas nya kara iti sekolah kami udara nya sangat sejuk apa lagi pada pagi hari

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Bahasa inggrisnya sekolah ku bernama SMP 1 tumijajar di sekolah ku ada 26 kelas dan terdapat gedung yang besar. Disekolah ku ada kantin,perpustakaan,aula,kantor,koprasi,UKS,Lep ipa,lep komputer dan ada berbagai tanaman stiap kelas mempunyai pohon di depan kelas nya kara iti sekolah kami udara nya sangat sejuk apa lagi pada pagi hari


my school is called tumijajar 1 junior high my school there are large buildings. in my school there are canteens,libraries,halls,offices,cooperatives,UKS,science labs,computer labs,and there are various plants each class has a tree in front off the class so our school air especially in the morning


maaf kalok ada yang salah


SMP 1 Tumijajar is my junior high school. In my school, there are twenty six class and have a big building. In my school there are canteen, library, hall, office, cooperatives, School's Health Clinic, science laboratory, computer laboratory and there are many plants, in front of each class there is a tree that make our school have a cool air especially in morning day.