Buatlah 2 pertanyaan/ wh-questions beserta jawabannya dari kalimat dibawah ini:

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There is a lake near my hometown. It's very large and panoramic. The forest around the lake is very green and cool. But,i want to say some sad things about it. It is very dirty and the foods and drinks are very expensive. People litter everywhere because there are not many garbage bins there. The vendors leave their waste everywhere. Some wooden benches are broken,so we cannot sit on them.

Tolong dijawab karna besok bakal di presentasikan,terimakasih;)

Buatlah 2 pertanyaan/ wh-questions beserta jawabannya dari kalimat dibawah ini:

1.Why we can't sit at the wooden benches??.
Answer:Because it's broken already
2.What is the sad things about the forest around the lake???
Answer: It is dirty and the food and drinks are very expensive
3.Why people can litter in the forest??
Answer: Because there's no garbage bin in there…
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