Please fill in the blanks by using simple future/ future continuous/ future perfect tense.

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1. ………… (you / retire)from your work by the time you're 60?
2. Todoroki ………. (not find) his wallet in his bag since he left it at the class.
3. Next 4 years, I……….. (study) at university.
4. Hurry up! The film …………(start) soon.
5. I ……. (not listen) to black metal songs. I just don’t enjoy the beat.
6. There won't be anyone in the office now. Everyone ……….. (go) home.
7. You may come before 7 p.m. I ……… (work) on my task from 7 to 9 p.m.
8. Julie ………… (not work) along next week. She'll be on holiday!
9. Davina……… (move) to another room. Look, she is packing her stuffs.
10.I'm only halfway through my homework. I ……… (not finish) it before the teacher arrives
11. Do you think that Hanif ……. (fix) the car by tomorrow? I’m not so sure.
12.I………(sleep) from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. tomorrow. I …… (study) before it.
13.Yuan ……… (not read) your message. He doesn’t have any internet connection I guess.
14.Don't phone me before 8 o'clock, we…………(have) dinner.
15.By 2023, my friends …….. (study) in SMA Jujutsu Tokyo for 3 years.​

Please fill in the blanks by using simple future/ future continuous/ future perfect tense.


1. Will you have retired

2. Won't be finding

3. I'll be studying

4. will be starting

5. will have not listened

6. will have gone

7. will work

8. won't be working

9. will move

10. will not have finished

11. will have fixed

12. i will sleep // i will study

13. will have not read

14. we'll be having

15. will have studied


It's the answers. Hopefully it helps you a lot