the was once a little grey planet that was very sad.the people living there hand n’t looked after it,despite them having all the inventions and space ships you could ever need.they had contaminated the whole countryside so much with rubbish and pollution that there were no plants or animals left

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the was once a little grey planet that was very sad.the people living there hand n’t looked after it,despite them having all the inventions and space ships you could ever need.they had contaminated the whole countryside so much with rubbish and pollution that there were no plants or animals left

Ada sebuah planet abu-abu kecil yang sangat menyedihkan. orang-orang yang hidup disana  tidak mempedulikannya. mereka memiliki semua penemuan-penemuan dan pesawat luar angkasa yang kamu butuhkan.
mereka mengkontaminasi seluruh negara dengan sampah dan polusi sehingga tak ada tanaman dan hewan tersisa