Buat 1 paragraf dengan menggunakan kata dasar “can”dalam bhasa inggris

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tolong dong.. hari ini terakhir dikumpulkan.. jangan jawab asal asalan yaa..nnti aku follow yang jawabannya bener..​

Buat 1 paragraf dengan menggunakan kata dasar “can”dalam bhasa inggris


Global warming has long been a major problem for the earth. Temperature and climate has changed for the worse. All of this was caused by a series of factors, which greatly contributes to the speed of this dire situation. In simple words, global warming is a slow gradual increase in earth’s temperature, caused by the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect was something that most humans contributed to. There is however, a way that we could do to reduce the carbon emission which in turns would hopefully slow global warming. By doing simple acts, like using public transportation, using less electricity and water, trying to use renewable energy as a way to replace unrenewable energy and many more. These simple acts may not do much, but if every human contributed their best to help the earth, then we can prevent the damages from global warming.

sori kl ada salah grammar ato penataan ktnya agak aneh. kata 'can' bs ditemui di kalimat akhir