A conspiracy theory surrounding the emergence of a planet that will crash into Earth is heard again. Planet X, also known as planet Nibiru, is said to be closing in on Earth between November 20 and December 20, 2017. The issue of doomsday predictions has surfaced several times. This year alone, the issue of the emergence of the planet Nibiru has often filled the news pages.

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A conspiracy theory surrounding the emergence of a planet that will crash into Earth is heard again. Planet X, also known as planet Nibiru, is said to be closing in on Earth between November 20 and December 20, 2017. The issue of doomsday predictions has surfaced several times. This year alone, the issue of the emergence of the planet Nibiru has often filled the news pages.

Sebuah teori konspirasi mengenai munculnya planet yang akan jatuh ke bumi terdengar lagi. Planet X, juga dikenal sebagai Planet Nibiru, konon mendekat ke bumi antara 20 November dan 20 desember 2017. Masalah prediksi hari kiamat telah muncul beberapa kali. Tahun ini saja, masalah munculnya planet Nibiru telah sering mengisi halaman berita.