1. There is …… money in the wallet. (little / few)

Posted on

2. How …. Books did you buy? (many / much)

3. There ….. people in the cinema. (is / are)

4. The child put …. sand in the bucket. ( many / much)

5. ….. there ten books in your bag? ( is / are)

6. Dilan has ….. new friends in his new school. (little / few)

7. How ….. butter do you need to make this cake? (many / much)

8. There …. a plate of fried rice on the dining table. (is / are)

9. My mother only has ….. sugar in the kitchen. (few / little)

10. How ….. boys are there in your class? (many / much)

1. There is …… money in the wallet. (little / few)


1. Few

2. Many

3. Are

4. Many

5. Are

6. Few

7. Many

8. Is

9. Few

10. Many


Maaf kalau salah yaa

kalau salah tolong di chat 🙂