Saya bangun pagi jam 5,pas bangun saya merapikan tempat tidurku kemudian beres-beres di dapur lalu sarapan selepas itu saya terus mandi.Kemudian saya menyiapkan diri untuk betangkat kesekolah.Setelah siap,saya berpamitan sama ibu,nenek dan kakek.Pertanyaannya terjemahkan dalam bahasa iggris?
I woke up at five. When I woke up, I made my bed. Then cleaning in the kitchen, after that I eat breakfast and took a shower. Then I prepared to go to school. After I get ready, I said goodbye to Mum, Grandma, and Grandpa.
Hope it helps~ヾ(^∇^)
I wake up in the morning at 5 o'clock, when I wake up I tidy up my bed then clean up in the kitchen then have breakfast after that I continue to shower. Then I prepare myself to go to school.