1.what is caption? 2.where can you see captions? 3.what is the purpose of the captions?

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1.what is caption?
2.where can you see captions?
3.what is the purpose of the captions?

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  1. What is caption?  Caption is brief description, heading, or title that identify or introduce a document, graphic, photograph, or table. It is consist of additional information which available in the pictures/photos. Usually it’s located below the picture itself.
  2. Where can you see captions?  We can see them on a magazine, newspaper, book, TV, internet, and social media.
  3. What is the purpose of the captions? The purpose of the caption is to help readers or viewers to understand more information that might not be in photos or videos.          


The Structure of Caption

  • The title
  • The lead
  • Section Heading

The Language Features

  • Exclamation
  • Question
  • Adjective Phrase
  • Personal Phrase

Rule of Writing a caption

  • Supply specific information (Answering 5W1H Question)
  • Use present tense on the first sentence
  • Caption are written in a complete sentences
  • Clearly identify the people and location in the photo
  • Identify the person from left to right

How to write a caption text

  • Observe the picture or video you will give the caption
  • Find out the message that will be sent from the picture before you write caption
  • Write sentence or phrase under the picture

Kinds of Caption

  • Identification bar: Jenis caption ini hanya menyebutkan siapa yang berada di gambar
  • Cutline: Jenis caption ini menyebutkan siapa yang berada digambar dan apa yang dilakukannya
  • Summary: Berisi penjelasan lengkap tentang siapa yang berada digambar, apa yang dilakukan, kapan kejadiannya, dimana tempat terjadinya, dan kenapa hal tersebut dilakukan.
  • Expanded: Bentuk lebih lengkap dari summary, jenis caption ini juga memuat bagaimana kejadiannya dan kutipan.
  • Group identification: Sama seperti jenis caption identification bar, hanya saja jenis ini digunakan apabila gambar memuat lebih dari satu orang.
  • Quote: Berisi kutipan perkataan seseorang yang berhubungan dengan gambar.  







Kelas : 12

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris  

Bab : 3

Kode : 12.5.3
