1) Who was been popular in public life?
[Siapa yang populer di kehidupan publik?]
2) What do men think about public achievement and recognition for women?
[Apa yang dipikirkan pria tentang prestasi dan pengakuan publik bagi perempuan?]
3) Are females are as creative as males?
[Apakah wanita sama kreatifnya dengan pria?]
4) What are the tree possible given regarding male and female creativity? are there any other possible explanations? What position do you think correct? Why?
[Apa pohon yang mungkin diberikan mengenai kreativitas pria dan wanita? apakah ada penjelasan lain yang mungkin? Posisi apa yang menurut anda benar? Mengapa?]
To check your understanding, answer the questions below in a separated paper!
1. men
2. the more a woman achieve publicly, the less desirable she seems as a wife.
3. It is not concluded in the excerpt.
4. males are inherently more creative in all fields, females would be as creative as men if were not for the greater appeal for crafting and cherishing children, certain forms of creativity are more congenial to one sex.
Yes, they are.
I think the second position is correct because I believe than males and females can be equally creative if given chance.