1. Pass me…..water,please

Posted on

A. no
B. any
C. few
D. some

2. You may have….coffee without
sugar because there isn't…..sugar
in the kitchen right now.
A. much
C. some
B. many
D. any

3. How…..books are you going to buy?
A. much
C. some
B. many
D. any

4. Would you like me to buy…..salt at
the market nearby?
A no
C. none
B. some
D. a little

5. We have …. shrimps, but we have…eels
A. some
B. som
C. few
D. any

kak tolong yhaaaa​

1. Pass me…..water,please


1. D. Some

2. D. Any

3. B. Many

4. B. Some

5. A. Some


maaf kalau salah….


1.D. some

2.C. some

3.B. many

4.B. some

5.D. any

Maaf kalo salah