Lenkapilah kalimat berikut dengan Personal Pronaun as subjek as objek Passseive adjective. 1. I you dad I are going to visit grand faters house …….. are going to spend the night there. 2. I want to meet my ad friends. I Want chat with ……… 3. X: where is your bike? Y: …… bike is the garage. 4. This is …….. bike camp . Where are used to gather her. 5. The presents are for two of us. There things are for …….. and my brother. 6. Miss Mira is the good teacher. every student likes. ………. 7. A: What is …… Name? B: her name is Shinta. 8. Those pens belog to …….. Those are their pens. 9. Mr Sukir is a farme …….. cultuates his rice field. 10. Mr Hendy is a churpenter . I know ……. very well.

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Lenkapilah kalimat berikut dengan Personal Pronaun as subjek as objek Passseive adjective. 1. I you dad I are going to visit grand faters house …….. are going to spend the night there. 2. I want to meet my ad friends. I Want chat with ……… 3. X: where is your bike? Y: …… bike is the garage. 4. This is …….. bike camp . Where are used to gather her. 5. The presents are for two of us. There things are for …….. and my brother. 6. Miss Mira is the good teacher. every student likes. ………. 7. A: What is …… Name? B: her name is Shinta. 8. Those pens belog to …….. Those are their pens. 9. Mr Sukir is a farme …….. cultuates his rice field. 10. Mr Hendy is a churpenter . I know ……. very well.


1. I you dad I are going to visit grand faters house WE are going to spend the night there. 2. I want to meet my ad friends. I Want chat with THEM 3. X: where is your bike? Y: MY bike is the garage. 4. This is OUR bike camp . Where are used to gather her. 5. The presents are for two of us. There things are for YOU and my brother. 6. Miss Mira is the good teacher. every student likes HER 7. A: What is HER Name? B: her name is Shinta. 8. Those pens belog to YOU Those are their pens. 9. Mr Sukir is a farmeR. HE cultuates his rice field. 10. Mr Hendy is a churpenter . I know HIM very well.