Activity 2: Identifying Structure

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Practice the following conversation!
Secretary : Lody Company good morning. How can I help you?
Mr. Jay Good morning, this is Mr. Jayi d like to make an appointment with Mr. Louis.
Secretary Can you tell me what it is about?
Mr. Jay Well, we have to discuss about the exhibition next week. Could I meet him tomorrow
Secretary Hold on a moment pleasel ill check his schedule…Well. I'm sorry. He is not free
tomorrow. How about Tuesday after lunch?
Mr Jay Tuesday? Well Tuesday at one suits me.
Secretary : Does Grand Restaurant suit you? He will have a meeting there in the moming, so he can
meet you after that.
Mr. Jay Alright. It's on Tuesday at one at Grand Restaurant
Secretary : Is there anything else. Sir?
Mr. Jay No thanks See you then Bye
Secretary Bye. Sir.
Rearrange these structures in order based on the conversation above!
Suggesting time
Asking the purpose of appointment
Suggesting venue
Confirming an appointment
Stating agreement
Stating disagreement
Stating purpose of ca
Offering time​

Activity 2: Identifying Structure

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Rearrange these structures in order based on the conversation above!

Secretary : Lody Company, Good morning. How can I help you?  [Greeting

Mr. Jay : Good morning, this is Mr. Jayi.  I'd like to make an appointment with Mr. Louis.

Secretary : Can you tell me what it is about?  [Asking the purpose of appointment

Mr. Jay : Well, we have to discuss about the exhibition next week. [Stating purpose of appointment] Could I meet him tomorrow?  

Secretary : Hold on a moment, please! I'll check his schedule…Well. I'm sorry. [Stating disagreement
] He is not free  tomorrow. How about Tuesday after lunch?  [Suggesting time

Mr Jay : Tuesday? Well Tuesday at one suits me.  [Offering time​]

Secretary : Does Grand Restaurant suit you? He will have a meeting there in the morning, so he can  meet you after that.  [Suggesting venue

Mr. Jay : Alright. [Stating agreement
] It's on Tuesday at one at Grand Restaurant.  [Confirming an appointment

Secretary : Is there anything else. Sir?

Mr. Jay : No thanks. See you then. Bye!  [Closing

Secretary : Bye, Sir.  [Closing



Susun ulang struktur ini berdasarkan percakapan di atas!

Sekretaris: Lody Company, Selamat pagi. Apa yang bisa saya bantu?  [Salam

Tn. Jay: Selamat pagi, ini Tn. Jayi. Saya ingin membuat janji dengan Tn. Louis.

Sekretaris: Bisakah Anda memberi tahu saya tentang hal apakah ini?  [Menanyakan tujuan perjanjian]

Tn. Jay: Baiklah, kita harus membahas tentang pameran minggu depan. [Menyatakan tujuan perjanjian]  Bisakah saya bertemu dengannya besok?  

Sekretaris: Mohon tunggu sebentar. Saya akan memeriksa jadwalnya … Yah. Maafkan saya. [Menyatakan ketidaksetujuan
] Dia tidak dapat bertemu Anda  besok. Bagaimana kalau Selasa setelah makan siang?  [Menyarankan waktu

Pak Jay: Selasa? Nah hari Selasa jam satu adalah waktu yang tepat untuk saya.  [Menawarkan waktu]

Sekretaris: Apakah Grand Restaurant cocok untuk Anda? Dia akan mengadakan pertemuan di sana di pagi hari, jadi beliau dapat  bertemu dengan Anda setelah itu.  [Menyarankan tempat pertemuan]

Pak Jay: Baiklah. [Menyatakan kesepakatan
] Jadi pada hari Selasa pukul satu di Grand Restaurant.  [Mengonfirmasi janji temu

Sekretaris: Apakah ada hal lain. Pak?

Pak Jay: Tidak, terima kasih. Sampai jumpa. Dah!  [Penutupan

Sekretaris: Sampai jumpa, Tuan.  [Penutupan

Dalam percakapan di atas, terdapat beberapa ungkapan tentang Appointment. Making appointment (membuat perjanjian), menanyakan tujuan perjanjian, menolak, menyetujui perjanjian. Semua hal yang berhubungan dengan making appointment haruslah mencapai kesepakatan kedua belah pihak, untuk itulah sebelumnya saling bertanya tentang kesediaan waktu dan tempat untuk mencapai titik sepakat.


A: Can we meet at the park tomorrow morning? (Asking the availability of time and place) [Bisakah kita bertemu di taman besok pagi?]

B: Sure, I'll be there. (Stating agreement) [Tentu saja, aku akan berada di sana.]

C: I'm so sorry. I have to go to the market. (Stating disagreement) [Maafkan aku. Aku harus pergi ke pasar.]

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

1. Contoh soal tentang Appointment

2. Materi tentang Formal Appointment

3. Contoh dialog Cancelling Appointment

4. Agreement dan Disagreement


Detail jawaban:

Kelas: IX SMP

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Clause of purpose (in order to/so that), stating agreement and disagreement

Kode: 9.5.2