Can someone tell me about the legislative branch , executive branch, and the judicial branch and what does each branch represent?

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Can someone tell me about the legislative branch , executive branch, and the judicial branch and what does each branch represent?


Can someone tell me about the legislative branch , executive branch, and the judicial branch and what does each branch represent?

Terjemahan soal

Dapatkah seseorang memberi tahu saya tentang lembaga legislatif, eksekutif, dan yudikatif, dan apa yang diwakili oleh setiap cabang?


Lembaga legislatif merupakan lembaga atau dewan yang mempunyai tugas serta wewenang membuat atau merumuskan UUD yang ada di sebuah negera, seperti DPR, DPD, MPR. Lembaga eksekutif adalah presiden dan wakil presiden dan beserta dengan menteri-menterinya yang turut membantunya dalam menjalankan tugasnya di sebuah negara, contohnya Presiden dan Wakil Presiden,  Menteri. Lembaga yudikatif adalah lembaga negara yang tugas utamanya sebagai pengawal, pengawas, dan pemantau proses berjalannya UUD, dan juga pengawasan hukum di sebuah negara, seperti MA, KY, MK.

Terjemahan bahasa inggris

The legislative body is an institution or council that has the task and authority to make or formulate a constitution in a country, such as the DPR, DPD, MPR. The executive branch is the president and vice president and along with his ministers who help him in carrying out his duties in a country, for example the President and Vice President,  Minister. The judiciary is a state institution whose main task is to guard, supervise and monitor the process of the running of the Constitution, as well as legal supervision in a country, such as MA, KY, MK.