We are sometimes so caught up in our busy lives that we don’t bother about the environment. We neglect the garbage and leave the environment unclean and forgotten. This indeed has turned out to be a matter of concern. It is very essential to keep our environment clean so that we can keep every disease, pollution, and environmental degradation at bay. You need to keep the area around your house well. Dispose the garbage properly and don’t throw them on the roads or into your neighbor’s compound. Separate the biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes. Don’t stack your wastes at home. They can bring acute health risks too. Grow more plants around your house. Encourage your neighbors to do the same. Trees will provide you with a cleaner and a fresher air to inhale. Planting fruit-bearing trees will also be an added advantage. At least you can consume fresh fruits that will not contain any traces of harmful chemicals. Besides, growing more plants will lead to a greener future.

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1. Why does the unclean environment become the matter for us?

2. What should we do with the garbage at home?

3. What are the advantages of growing plants by yourself?

4. What can we do to make the environment clean?

5. Give some other suggestions to make our environment clean!

We are sometimes so caught up in our busy lives that we don’t bother about the environment. We neglect the garbage and leave the environment unclean and forgotten. This indeed has turned out to be a matter of concern. It is very essential to keep our environment clean so that we can keep every disease, pollution, and environmental degradation at bay. You need to keep the area around your house well. Dispose the garbage properly and don’t throw them on the roads or into your neighbor’s compound. Separate the biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes. Don’t stack your wastes at home. They can bring acute health risks too. Grow more plants around your house. Encourage your neighbors to do the same. Trees will provide you with a cleaner and a fresher air to inhale. Planting fruit-bearing trees will also be an added advantage. At least you can consume fresh fruits that will not contain any traces of harmful chemicals. Besides, growing more plants will lead to a greener future.

Jawaban: Kadang-kadang kita begitu sibuk dengan kesibukan kita sehingga kita tidak peduli dengan lingkungan. Kami mengabaikan sampah dan membiarkan lingkungan menjadi najis dan terlupakan. Ini memang menjadi masalah yang memprihatinkan. Sangat penting untuk menjaga kebersihan lingkungan agar kita dapat menjauhkan setiap penyakit, polusi, dan kerusakan lingkungan. Anda perlu menjaga area di sekitar rumah Anda dengan baik. Buang sampah dengan benar dan jangan membuangnya ke jalan atau ke kompleks tetangga Anda. Pisahkan limbah biodegradable dan non-biodegradable. Jangan menumpuk sampah Anda di rumah. Mereka juga dapat membawa risiko kesehatan yang akut. Tumbuhkan lebih banyak tanaman di sekitar rumah Anda. Dorong tetangga Anda untuk melakukan hal yang sama. Pepohonan akan memberi Anda udara yang lebih bersih dan lebih segar untuk dihirup. Menanam pohon penghasil buah juga akan menjadi keuntungan tambahan. Setidaknya Anda bisa mengonsumsi buah-buahan segar yang tidak akan mengandung sedikit pun jejak bahan kimia berbahaya. Selain itu, menanam lebih banyak tanaman akan menghasilkan masa depan yang lebih hijau.


1. Mengapa lingkungan yang tidak bersih menjadi masalah bagi kita?

2. Apa yang harus kita lakukan dengan sampah di rumah?

3. Apa keuntungan menanam sendiri?

4. Apa yang dapat kita lakukan untuk membuat lingkungan bersih?

5. Berikan beberapa saran lain untuk membuat lingkungan kita bersih!

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