Indra : what time do you get up every day ? nanda : at 4 0’clock .indra : what do you usually do after that ? nanda : after getting up, i usually prepare for praying subuhindra : what time do you get up every day ? nanda : at 4 0’clock .indra : what do you usually do after that ? nanda : after getting up, i usually prepare for praying subuh

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Indra : what time do you get up every day ? nanda : at 4 0’clock .indra : what do you usually do after that ? nanda : after getting up, i usually prepare for praying subuhindra : what time do you get up every day ? nanda : at 4 0’clock .indra : what do you usually do after that ? nanda : after getting up, i usually prepare for praying subuh


apakah yang ditanyakan terjemahannya??

  • indra : Jam berapa kamu bangun tiap hari?
  • nanda : jam 4
  • indra : apa yang biasanya kamu lakukan setelah itu?
  • nanda : setelah bangun tidur, aku biasanya siap2 untuk sholat shubuh