Contoh percakapan antara teman sebangku dalam bahasa inggris

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Contoh percakapan antara teman sebangku dalam bahasa inggris

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Joe: Good morning, Tom.

Tom: Morning, Joe. I see you're feeling better today.

Joe: Yeah. The medicine the doctor gave me is finally working. I don't have to go to the toilet every twenty minutes now.

Tom: Hahahaha.

Joe: Anyway, thank you for taking notes for me when I was absent from school for two days.

Tom: No probs. We're friends, aren't we? Are you ready for today's physics test?

Joe: I hope I am. There are still some things I don't quite understand.

Tom: We still have time before the bell rings. Do you want to discuss them with me? It'll be a great help for me, too.

Joe: I'd love too. Tom, you're the best seatmate anyone can ask for.

Tom: Hahahaha. You're too kind.


From the dialogue we can infer that Joe and Tom are seatmates. The conversation happens in the morning, before class starts. Joe's been absent from school for two days because of a stomachache. Tom has been taking notes for him. They are having a physics test today and Tom offers to help Joe study.

Remember this is a dialogue between seatmates. Some expressions don't need to be too formal (e.g. no probs) and using lots of contractions (e.g. you're, it'll, etc.).


More examples on making a dialogue:



Subject: English

Category: Writing

Sub-category: Dialogue

Level: SHS XI

Code: 11.5

Keywords: dialogue, seatmates


A: "Hi! How are you to day?"

B: "I'm fine, how about you?"

A: "I'm fine to, thank you."

B: "You're wellcome. Have you finish your Homework?."

A: "Yes, I have. How about you?"

B: "Me too."