If Maria … (invite) me, .(go).

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2. If it……(rain), we . (cancel) the match.

3. If .(get) a promotion, I.(buy) a car.

4. If Sarah (be late), we …..(go) without her

5. If You …(ask) more politely, I .(buy) you a drink

6. If you .(not behave), I.(throw) you out.

7. If John . (win) the first prize, her mother (be) happy

8. If Rio .(get) proper medical care, he . (survive).

9. If the drought (continue), plans and animals….(perish). 10. If Rian's boss (be) angry, he (fire) him

II. Change your answer into type 2 and type 3​

If Maria … (invite) me, .(go).

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


1. If Maria invites me, I will go.

2. If it rains, we will cancel the match.

3. If I get a promotion, I will buy a car.

4. If Sarah is late, we will go without her.

5. If you ask more politely, I will buy you a drink.

6. If you don't behave, I will throw you out.

7. If John wins the first prize, her mother will be happy.

8. If Rio gets proper medical care, he will survive.

9. If the drought continues, plans and animals will perish.

10. If Rian's boss is angry, he will fire him.


Type 2:

1. If Maria invited me, I would go.

2. If it rained, we would cancel the match.

3. If I got a promotion, I would buy a car.

4. If Sarah was late, we would go without her.

5. If you asked more politely, I would buy you a drink.

6. If you didn't behave, I would throw you out.

7. If John won the first prize, her mother would be happy.

8. If Rio got proper medical care, he would survive.

9. If the drought continued, plans and animals would perish.

10. If Rian's boss was angry, he would fire him.

Type 3:

1. If Maria had invited me, I would have gone.

2. If it had rained, we would have canceled the match.

3. If I had got a promotion, I would have bought a car.

4. If Sarah had been late, we would have gone without her.

5. If you had asked more politely, I would have bought you a drink.

6. If you hadn't behaved, I would have thrown you out.

7. If John had won the first prize, her mother would have been happy.

8. If Rio had got proper medical care, he would have survived.

9. If the drought had continued, plans and animals would have perished.

10. If Rian's boss had been angry, he would have fired him.

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