TASK 1 Dilaog 1. A : Have you heard that the due date for the final project is extended ? B : No, is it true ? A : Yes it will be due next month B : That’s wonderful! I Haven’t event started yet. A : Would you need my help ? B : No, thanks. I’ll do it as soon as possible. I know that you’re as busy as I am A : Okay . just let me know if you need my help. Dialog 2 A : My extended family is going to a surprise birthday party for my grandmother next week B : wow! That sounds great. How old is she ? A : She’ll be 75 on August 13th, B : Really ? I didn’t know that she was that old . I thought that she was still around 60. She looks much younger. A : Thanks B : What if I help you with the preperation ? A : Oh, it’s very nice of you . But I’m going to do it with my sister. Thanks for the offer. B : Okay, no problem. Find out 1. What are the relationships between the speakers? Dialog 1: ______________________________________ Dialog 2: ______________________________________ 2. Write down expressions of offering help/service in dialog 1 and 2 and its responses ! ___________________________________________ 3. Who is offering a help in dialog 1? What does she say? Is the offer accepted? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 4. In Dialog 2, what does B say to offer a help? Does A accept or refuse the help? What does she say? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ .5. Write a dialogue for each of the following situations. a. You and your sister are in restaurant. You offer her to drink and your sister refuses it. b. You and your sister are in the swimming pool. You offer her to swim together.Your sister accepts it. c. You are doing the English Project with your group at the library after school. Your friend cannot finish her/his part. Offer help to do it together.

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TASK 1 Dilaog 1. A : Have you heard that the due date for the final project is extended ? B : No, is it true ? A : Yes it will be due next month B : That’s wonderful! I Haven’t event started yet. A : Would you need my help ? B : No, thanks. I’ll do it as soon as possible. I know that you’re as busy as I am A : Okay . just let me know if you need my help. Dialog 2 A : My extended family is going to a surprise birthday party for my grandmother next week B : wow! That sounds great. How old is she ? A : She’ll be 75 on August 13th, B : Really ? I didn’t know that she was that old . I thought that she was still around 60. She looks much younger. A : Thanks B : What if I help you with the preperation ? A : Oh, it’s very nice of you . But I’m going to do it with my sister. Thanks for the offer. B : Okay, no problem. Find out 1. What are the relationships between the speakers? Dialog 1: ______________________________________ Dialog 2: ______________________________________ 2. Write down expressions of offering help/service in dialog 1 and 2 and its responses ! ___________________________________________ 3. Who is offering a help in dialog 1? What does she say? Is the offer accepted? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 4. In Dialog 2, what does B say to offer a help? Does A accept or refuse the help? What does she say? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ .5. Write a dialogue for each of the following situations. a. You and your sister are in restaurant. You offer her to drink and your sister refuses it. b. You and your sister are in the swimming pool. You offer her to swim together.Your sister accepts it. c. You are doing the English Project with your group at the library after school. Your friend cannot finish her/his part. Offer help to do it together.


TUGAS 1 Dilaog 1. A: Pernahkah Anda mendengar bahwa batas waktu untuk tugas akhir diperpanjang? B: Tidak, apakah itu benar? A: Ya itu akan jatuh tempo bulan depan B: Luar biasa! Acara I Haven belum dimulai. A: Apakah Anda membutuhkan bantuan saya? B: Tidak, terima kasih. Saya akan melakukannya sesegera mungkin. saya tahu bahwa Anda sibuk seperti saya A: Oke. beri tahu saya jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan saya. Dialog 2 A: Keluarga besar saya akan menghadiri pesta ulang tahun kejutan untuk nenek saya minggu depan B: wow! Kedengarannya bagus. Berapa usianya ? A: Dia akan berusia 75 pada 13 Agustus, B: Benarkah? saya tidak tahu bahwa dia setua itu. Saya pikir dia masih sekitar 60. Dia terlihat jauh lebih muda. A: Terima kasih B: Bagaimana jika saya membantu Anda dengan persiapan? A: Oh, Anda baik sekali. Tetapi saya akan melakukannya dengan saudara perempuan saya. Terima kasih atas tawarannya. B: Oke, tidak masalah. Cari tahu 1.apa hubungan antar pembicara? Dialog 1: ______________________________________ Dialog 2: ______________________________________ 2. Tuliskan ungkapan penawaran bantuan / layanan dalam dialog 1 dan 2 dan jawabannya! ___________________________________________ 3.siapa yang menawarkan bantuan dalam dialog 1? Apa yang dia katakan? Apakah tawaran itu diterima? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 4. Dalam Dialog 2, apa yang B katakan untuk menawarkan bantuan? apakah A menerima atau menolak bantuan? Apa yang dia katakan? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ .5. tulis dialog untuk masing-masing situasi berikut. Sebuah. Anda dan saudara perempuan Anda ada di restoran. Anda menawarkannya untuk minum dan saudari Anda menolaknya. b. Anda dan kakak Anda ada di kolam renang. Anda menawarkannya untuk berenang bersama. Saudari Anda menerimanya. c. Anda sedang mengerjakan Proyek Bahasa Inggris dengan grup Anda di perpustakaan sepulang sekolah. Teman Anda tidak dapat menyelesaikan bagiannya. Tawarkan bantuan untuk melakukannya bersama .