Tolong jawab Yaa

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B. Answer The Questions!

Mung been Porridge

•one Cup Of Mung Bean
•four Tablespoon Of Sugar
•1/2 Teaspoon Of Salt
•Five Cups Of Water

•wash The Mung Bean
•boil the Water
•put the mung bean into the boiling water
•let the mhng bean become tender
•add the salt and sugar
•simmer for 30 Minutes
•serve the mung bean porridge

41.What is the goal of the text? many ingredients of the text
43.what is the second Step
44.what is the generic structure of the text?
45.what Is The Communicative purpose of the text?​

Tolong jawab Yaa


41. how to make mung bean porridge

42. 4 ingredients

43. boil the water

44. GoMaS = a)goals: tujuan prosedur

b)material : bahan bahan yang diperlukan

c)step :urutan langkah langkah

45. to ask someone to make something


Maaf kalau misalnya ada yg salah^^