Tolonng buatkan 5 kalimat yang tidak rutin dilakukan dalam bahasa inggris

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Tolonng buatkan 5 kalimat yang tidak rutin dilakukan dalam bahasa inggris

1. Eating raw food everyday
2. Openin the house door untill midnight arrives
3. Mouth always moves every second in 24 hours
4. Cycling in the house with friends
5. Cry every time

Sorry, maybe you mean like these answers.

Kalau tidak rutin berarti bukan simple dong? pake past perfect aja
1. linda had cooked rice before i came
2. he repaired a car afte he had bought the wheel
3.i had already finished my task when you came here
4. i swam as soon as she had swum on the sea
5. mr. budi bought a new car after he had had some money