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that's what you are
tho near and far
like a song of love that clings to me
how the thought of you does things to me
never before
has someone been more
in very way and forever more thats show you ll stay thats why,darling its incredible thinks that l am Unforgettable,too Unforgettable in very way,and forever more thats show you ll stay
thats why, darling its incredible that someone so Unforgettable thinks that l am Unforgettable too
Pertanyaan nya:
1.What is the song about?
2.like a song of love the clings to me the world clings..means Indonesia
a.menghpus b.berpegang teguh c.berdiri sendiri d.melekat
3.thats why darling its incredible the underlined world is closet in meaning to… a.amazing b.mediocre c. credible d.unremakable ?
4.from the text we know that ?



1. Loving Someone that Unforgetable in his life

2. D. Melekat di ingatan

3. A. Amazing

4. Someone was very meaning in his life, it make a amazing memories make the unforgetable story of love
