Present and past from

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1. the salt deposits have been accumulated until now. it (a. was b. is c. are d. were ) thin and now (a. are b. is c. was d. were) thick. it (a. is b. was c. were d. are) known as tufa.
2. the surface of the hill for a height of around 91 m was (a. locate b. located c. located c. locating d. to locate) near terrace
3. roman (a. builds b. built c. building d. to build) the thermal resort around the spring here.
4. roman resort (a. survived b. survive c. survives d. to survived) the ravages of time.
5. pamukkale (a.located b. locates c. to locating) in the buyuk menderes valley

Present and past from

1. The salt deposits have been accumulated until now. It were thin and now are thick. It were known by tufa
2. The surface of the hill for a height of around 91 m. Located near terrace
3. Roman builds a thermal resort around the sporing here
4. Roman resort survived the ravages of time
5. Pamukkale located in the Buyuk Menderes valley