Kalimat smple present​

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Kalimat smple present​


1a. I take the motorcycle to the office

1b. The train to Bekasi leaves  every hour.

1c. George sleeps seven hours every night during the week.

2a. The President of Indonesia is Joko Widodo.

2b. A snake has no legs.

2c. Indonesia has 34 provinces, from Sabang to Merauke.


Nanti bisa praktek bikin contoh kalimat Simple Present Tense sendiri deh.

They don't go to the beach on Monday.

They do not enjoy a big wave.

We don't like to swim at the beach.

I do not read a novel this month.

You don't tell a bad experience before sleeping.

Anita doesn't go to Kusamba Market in the afternoon.


. “Berhentilah menuntut ilmu karena ilmu tidak bersalah.”

apakah menurut anda jawaban ini membantu….yuk bersama menekan tulisan yang tercerdas..^_^