You’re invited to our

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housewarming party!

hermawan family

jl. cilantro no.2 garut

wednesday, may 15, 2019

at 7 pm.


08796568757304 (tiara)

answer the following questions.

1.where will the party be held?

2.who writers the text?

3.why is the text written?

4.what do you think the guest will enjoy during the party?

5.what should yhe invitee do if he/she cannot come to the party

pls jawab yg bener,butuh sekarang,tolong plisss

You’re invited to our


1.jl. ketumbar no.2 garut

2.tiara let you know there will be a housewarming party tonight at 7

4. have fun

5. Says "he can't come to the party".


3. untuk memberi tahu Anda akan ada pesta pindah rumah malam ini jam 7

4. bersenang-senang

5. Mengatakan "dia tidak bisa datang ke pesta".


Sorry if I'm wrong, if I'm wrong I promise to be responsible.

Hope it is useful

If yes, make it brainliest answer 🙂


Maaf kalau salah,kalau salah saya janji bakal tanggung jawab.

Semoga bermanfaat

Kalau benar Jadikan jawaban tercerdas:)