Make 5 sentences about conditional sentence type 1 !!!

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Make 5 sentences about conditional sentence type 1 !!!

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1. If i were a rich man, i would buy a new car (Tipe 2)

2. If she has given the present, she will ask me to come to her house (Tipe 1)

3. If you had gone to her house,I would have invited my friend at school.(Tipe 3)

4. If I were a doctor, i would give you some medicine ( Tipe 1 )

5. If you have broken the door you will repair it as soon as posible ( Tipe 1 )


-If I go home late, mother will scold me.
-The bus will leave Annie if she wakes up late.
-I will succeed if I work hard.
-Andi will go to my house if Aunt Nina allows him.
-I will catch you if you fall from the tree.