1. Where does the dialouge take place?

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2. What happened to Tania?
3. Where does she probably lost the phone? 4.What does she want the Clerk to do?
5. What does the clerk ask her?
6. How does Tania desenbe the phone?
7. What is the specific feature of the phone?
8. Maybe somebody found it by any chance. It refers to…
9. But it has mydog's picture on the lock screen. It refers to …
10. "Please, bear with me". What does this senctence mean?

bantu jawab​

1. Where does the dialouge take place?

1. Where does the dialouge take place?


1. Amusement park

2. Tania lost her phone

3. While she was on roller coaster

4. Help to find her phone

5. What phone is it and what does it look like?

6. It's an iPhone 6, black one

7. Her dog's picture on the lock screen, a white poodle

8. The phone

9. The phone

10. To be patient while the Clerk looking for her phone