From Monday to Saturday, I usually wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning. I need to prepare myself to school. There are many activities I have to do before going to school. First, I do my bed until it is very tidy. After that, I sweep the floor. I love to see my room neat and clean. I also do some physical movements to stretch my body. 6. 7. Then, I prepare some books based on schedule. I do not want to leave any book at home. I wash my face, brush my teeth, then have a shower. Finally, I eat breakfast after wearing my school uniform. I enjoy learning time at school. I like to play with my friends too. My school finishes at 1 p.m. After school, I change my uniform then have lunch. I usually help my parents to cook for our dinner then help to wash dishes after eating. After watching TV for one hour, I study and do my homework. At the end, I go to sleep at 9 p.m.

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1. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To entertain the reader with the daily & activity

b. To know the writer's daily activity

c. To describe the writer's daily activity

d. To explain the writer's daily activity​

From Monday to Saturday, I usually wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning. I need to prepare myself to school. There are many activities I have to do before going to school. First, I do my bed until it is very tidy. After that, I sweep the floor. I love to see my room neat and clean. I also do some physical movements to stretch my body. 6. 7. Then, I prepare some books based on schedule. I do not want to leave any book at home. I wash my face, brush my teeth, then have a shower. Finally, I eat breakfast after wearing my school uniform. I enjoy learning time at school. I like to play with my friends too. My school finishes at 1 p.m. After school, I change my uniform then have lunch. I usually help my parents to cook for our dinner then help to wash dishes after eating. After watching TV for one hour, I study and do my homework. At the end, I go to sleep at 9 p.m.

a. To entertain the reader with the daily & activity


B. to know the writer's daily activity

(I'M sorry if I wrong)