The text is for number 35 to 36.

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Today is Wednesday. I have English subject. I will have english class again 2 days after today. I like English
class because it is enjoyable.

36. The writer has English Subject on …
A. Wednesday only.
C. Wednesday and Friday
B. Wednesday and Thursday.
D. Wednesday and Saturday.

37. How many time are English Class in a week?
A. Four
B. Three
C. Two
D. One

38. I go to the bed on … in the night.
A. 9 P.M
B. 9 A.M
C. 3 P.M
D. 6 AM​

The text is for number 35 to 36.

36) A. Wednesday only.

37) C. Two

38) A. 9 P.M


36. C. Wednesday and Friday

37. C. two

38. 9 P.M