Situation : Mr. Hermawan is out of his town. He doesn’t know how to get to BCA bank, so he

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stops a man in the street.
Mr. Hermawan : Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest BCA bank is?
Man : BCA bank? I’m sorry. I don’t know. I’m not from around here myself.

Then he meets a policeman and asks him the direction.

Mr. Hermawan : Excuse me, where’s the nearest BCA bank, please?
Policeman : Go straight down this street. Turn left at the T-junction, BCA bank is just around
the corner, on your left.
Mr Hermawan : How far is it from here?
Policeman : It will take about 5 minutes if you go there on foot.
Mr. Hermawan : Thank you very much. I’m sure I’ll find it easily, if I walk there.
Policeman : Sure, but there’s one thing you have to know.
Mr. Hermawan : What’s that?
Policeman : Today is Saturday. The bank is closed.
Mr. Hermawan : But not the ATM service, don’t you think? I just need to withdraw some cash.
Thanks anyway.

1. Why does Mr. Hermawan ask the direction to the BCA? _____________________________________________________________________
2. Whom does he ask the direction to?
3. Does he get the answer as he expect before? Why/ why not?
4. What does he do then?
5. Does he get a satisfying answer?
6. Do you think the bank is close or far?
7. How does Mr. Hermawan go to the bank?
8. How long does it take to go there?
9. Is the bank closed or open?
10. Why does Mr. Hermawan look for the BCA bank?

Situation : Mr. Hermawan is out of his town. He doesn’t know how to get to BCA bank, so he

1 because he/mr.hermawan is out of his town, and he doesn't know how to get to BCA bank.

2 at first, a man in the street

3 when he asked the man in the street, he doesn't get the answer, because the man in the street is not from around that town.

4 then, he asks the policeman

5 yes, he does

6 yes i do, i think the bank is really close

7 he will go to the bank on foot

8 it's about 5 minutes if you go there on foot

9 the bank is closed

10 because he needs to withdraw some cashes.

sorry kalo ad yg salah yaa, baru belajar jugaa~~~