Hana : Hi, Irfan. What are you thinking about?

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Irfan : Hmm, I'm thinking about global warming that's happening nowadays.
Hana : So, what do you think is the best action to reduce global warming?
Irfan : I think everyone should start changing their life styles.
Hana : What do you mean?
Irfan : Well, we have to start to do what we can, to help reduce global warming.
Hana : What do you suggest that we should do?
Irfan : Well, there are lots of things that we can do. We should start saving electricity, recycling things, using public transportation, buying and consuming as much as we need only. Basically, just save anything that we can.
Hana : That's a great idea. I will do that.
Irfan : Oh, good girl….
Hana : With my pleasure..

1. What does the girl say when she asked the best action to reduce global warming?
2. Then, what does the boy say to start his answer?

bantuinn pls​

Hana : Hi, Irfan. What are you thinking about?

Jawaban:                                                                                                                                   1. saving electricity, recycling things, using public transportation, buying and consuming as much as we need only.                                                                           2.what do you think is the best action to reduce global warming?


1. What does the girl say when she asked the best action to reduce global warming?

= So, what do you think is the best action to reduce global warming?

2. Then, what does the boy say to start his answer?

= He thinks everyone should start changing their life styles. We should start saving electricity, recycling things, using public transportation, buying and consuming as much as we need only. Basically, just save anything that we can.


Jawaban bercetak tebal merupakan jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan pertanyaan.

1. Apa yang dikatakan perempuan itu saat dia menanyakan tindakan / aksi terbaik untuk mengurangi pemanasan global?

2. Lalu, apa yang dikatakan anak laki-laki itu untuk memulai jawabannya?