Rere : Hey, Rani. Have you heard good news

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Of mine?
Rani : You told me nothing, but let me guess.
Hmm wait, wait… you got a surprise
from your father?
Rere : You're wrong!
Rani : Hmm, enough, just tell me, please!
Rere : You know that I had speech contest in
Jakarta last week? I did it!
Rani : Are you serious? Did you win it? Oh my
God, I can't believe it.
Rere : Of course.
Rani : Great, congratulations! I am happy for
Rere : Thanks, I appreciate that.
Rani : I believe you are the best as always.
Rere : How nice of you to say that. Now, let's
have lunch on my treat.
Rani : With great pleasure.

what did Rere jo in Jakarta?
a:speech contest
b:storytelling contest
c: dancing contest
d: singing contest​

Rere : Hey, Rani. Have you heard good news

a:speech contest

B. Indonesia = Kontes pidato


Maaf kalau salah:')




jawaban ada di teks bagian (Rere : You know that I had speech contest in

Jakarta last week? I did it!)

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