Tolong jawab ya!! besok di kumpul in​

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Tolong jawab ya!! besok di kumpul in​

Tolong jawab ya!! besok di kumpul in​


1. (+) they read the book

(-) they don't read the book

(?) do they read the book?

2. (+) she goes to supermarket

(-) she doesn't goes to supermarket

(?) does she goes to supermarket?

3. (+) we listen to the radio

(-) we don't listen to the radio

(?) do we Listen to the radio?

4. (+) he write the letter

(-) he does not write the letter

(?) does he write the latter?

5. (+) she clean the floor

(-) she does not clean the floor

(?) does she clean the floor?


semoga membantu and jangan lupa follow^^