1-5 jawab dengan jawaban agreement/disagreement contohnya:

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"i absolutely agree with your opinion. We should manage our time very well"

1-5 jawab dengan jawaban agreement/disagreement contohnya:

1-5 jawab dengan jawaban agreement/disagreement contohnya:

1. i agree with you, we have to breakfast before go to school cause we need energies.

2. i agree with your opinion. we should learn if teacher give the material.

3. i disagree with you. if we dont have more money and if the book so expensive, what we're gonna do? we can borrow our friends book for a while right.

4. i absolutely agree with you. we cant forget to our god. so dont forget to pray.

5. yes, thats right! i agree with you. we should to keep our class or anywhere to still clean along.

jadikan jawaban ter brainly ya!
terima kasih :")