Ubah kalimat aktive menjadi kalimat passive

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1. My cat didn’t kill the bird
2. A thief stole ann’s purse
3. Did a cat kill the bird?
4. Does the hotel provide clean towles?
5. A man will pick up me in the sunrise malll

Ubah kalimat aktive menjadi kalimat passive

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


1. The bird wasn't killed [by my cat]

2. Ann's purse was stolen [by a thief]

3. Was the bird killed [by a cat]?

4. Are clean towels provided [by the hotel] ?

5. I will be picked up [by a man] in the sunrise mall.


Passive voice digunakan ketika ingin memfokuskan pada aksi si subyek.

Struktur yg paling umum digunakan adalah :

Subject+finite form of to be+past participle (V³]

Hal yg diperhatikan dlm merubah active voice ke passive voice adalah :

  • Baik obyek langsung maupun tidak langsung dlm active voice dirubah posisinya sebagai subyek dalam passive voice.
  • Finite form of to be juga berubah mengikuti tenses active voice.
  • Subyek dlm active voice berubah posisi mnjadi obyek dlm passive voice (Agent) dgn didampingi oleh preposisi "by."

Berikut rumus pembentukan active voice ke passive voice dari kelima kalimat² di atas :


Active : S+didn't+Verb¹+O

  • My cat didn’t kill the bird

Passive : S(O)+to be(was/were)+not+V³+by Agent

  • The bird wasn't killed [by my cat]

Active : S+Verb²+O

  • A thief stole ann’s purse

Passive : S(O)+to be(was/were)+Verb³+by Agent

  • Ann's purse was stolen [by a thief]

Active : Did+S+Verb¹+O

  • Did a cat kill the bird?

Passive : To be (was/were)+S(O)+Verb³+by Agent?

  • Was the bird killed [by a cat]?


Active : Do/does+S+Verb¹+O ?

  • Does the hotel provide clean towels?

Passive : To be(is/am/are)+S(O)+Verb³+by Agent?

  • Are clean towels provided [by the hotel] ?


Active : S+will+Verb¹+O

  • A man will pick up me in the sunrise mall

Passive : S(O)+will+be+Verb³+by Agent

  • I will be picked up [by a man] in the sunrise mall.


Learn more about

Active-Passive voice







Grade : XI

Subject  : English

Category : Sentence structure

Code : 11.5.8

Keywords  : Active, Passive