Who was Dayang Sumbi’s husband ?

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The King B. Tumang C. Her fiancee D. Sangkuriang
Why did she marry her dog, Tumang ? because…
She exclaimed to marry one who gave it back her shuttle
It was a demigod possessing magic powers
It was a companion Sangkuriang
She fell in love with it

What is the purpose of the text?
To amuse or entertain the readers about a story
To describe the characters of story from west java
To tell how Sangkuriang finished to make a boat
To tell someone’s past experience in west java

What is the main problem in the story above ?
Sangkuriang would marry Dayang Sumbi
Sangkuriang had magic power
Sangkuriang had many friends
Sangkuriang was good at making a lake

What have we learnt from the story?
You must not kill your parents
You must not marry your mother
You should not hide the truth
You should accept the truth

Who was Dayang Sumbi’s husband ?

1. B. Tumang

2. A. She exclaimed to marry one who gave it back her shuttle

3. A. To amuse or entertain the readers about a story

4. A. Sangkuriang would marry Dayang Sumbi

5. D. You should accept the truth

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