FUNCTION – Recount text

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1. Identify the structure of the following text: the setting, the events, and the concluding comment.
A reactor at a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl, Ukraine exploded on April 26", 1986. According
to a report carried out by the BBC, the explosion released at least 100 times more radiation' than the
atomic bombs detonated in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.
On April 25, prior to a routine shutdown, the reactor crew at Chernobyl 4 began preparing for a
turbine test but the power from the turbine ran down too rapldly. New voltage regulator designs were
to be tested. A series of operator actions, including the disabling of automatic shutdown mechanisms,
preceded the attempted test early on 26 April. By the time the operator moved to shut down the
reactor, it was in an extremely unstable condition. The steam generator then exploded and released
fission products to the atmosphere. About two to three seconds later, a second explosion threw out
fragments from the fuel channels and hot graphite.
Two workers died as a result of these explosions. The graphite and fuel became incandescent and
started a number of fires, causing the main release of radioactivity into the environment. A large amount
of radioactivity was released, over half of it being from blologically-inert noble gases. Two individuals
died on the day of the explosion, followed by an additional 29 deaths due to radiation in the weeks
following the accident
However, to this day, the long-term effects of the explosion, in the form of cancers and physical
and mental deformities resulting from radiation exposure, are still being accounted for.
2. Read the text again and then complete the following table with correct information.
1 What event is described in the text?
2 When was it?
3 Where was it?
4 What happened on April 25, 1986?
5 What happened the following day?
6 What is the writer's comment
regarding the event?
о и да​

FUNCTION – Recount text


FUNGSI – Menghitung teks

1. Identifikasi struktur teks berikut: latar, peristiwa, dan komentar penutup.

Sebuah reaktor di pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir di Chernobyl, Ukraina meledak pada tanggal 26 April 1986. Menurut

Menurut laporan yang dilakukan oleh BBC, ledakan tersebut melepaskan setidaknya 100 kali lebih banyak radiasi daripada

bom atom diledakkan di Hiroshima dan Nagasaki pada tahun 1945.

Pada 25 April, sebelum penutupan rutin, kru reaktor di Chernobyl 4 mulai mempersiapkan a

uji turbin tetapi daya dari turbin turun terlalu cepat. Desain pengatur tegangan baru pun

untuk diuji. Serangkaian tindakan operator, termasuk penonaktifan mekanisme pematian otomatis,

mendahului percobaan percobaan pada tanggal 26 April. Pada saat operator bergerak untuk mematikan

reaktor, itu dalam kondisi yang sangat tidak stabil. Pembangkit uap kemudian meledak dan dilepaskan

produk fisi ke atmosfer. Sekitar dua hingga tiga detik kemudian, ledakan kedua terjadi

fragmen dari saluran bahan bakar dan grafit panas.

Dua pekerja tewas akibat ledakan tersebut. Grafit dan bahan bakar menjadi pijar dan

memulai sejumlah kebakaran, menyebabkan pelepasan utama radioaktivitas ke lingkungan. Jumlah yang besar

radioaktivitas dilepaskan, lebih dari setengahnya berasal dari gas mulia yang tidak aktif secara blologis. Dua individu

meninggal pada hari ledakan, diikuti dengan tambahan 29 kematian akibat radiasi dalam beberapa minggu

setelah kecelakaan itu

Namun, hingga saat ini, ledakan tersebut berdampak jangka panjang, baik berupa kanker maupun fisik

dan kelainan mental akibat paparan radiasi, masih diperhitungkan.

2. Bacalah teks itu lagi dan lengkapi tabel berikut dengan informasi yang benar.




1 Peristiwa apa yang dijelaskan dalam teks?

2 Kapan itu?

3 Dimana itu?

4 Apa yang terjadi pada 25 April 1986?

5 Apa yang terjadi keesokan harinya?

6 Apa komentar penulis

tentang acara tersebut?

о и да


maaf kalau Salah