Choose correct answers for questions bellow!

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1. My mother … a housewife

a. Am

b. Is

c. Are

d. To be

2. I have four siblings and I love ….

a. Our

b. Him

c. Us

d. Them

3. … English teacher is Mr. Keenan

a. we

b. Our

c. Us

d. Them

4. … bottle is mine.

a. This

b. Those

c. My

d. Our

5. I bring … umbrella.

a. a

b. an

c. two

d. red

6. … are Andi’s books

a. this

b. the

c. that

d. these

7. Your feet … hurt.

a. a

b. is

c. are

d. those

8. The ants bite … students.

a. That

b. Those

c. A

d. This

9. A student … lazy.

a. Should

b. Should be

c. Should not

d. Must not be

10. A: My brother got a toothache.

B: I think he … meet a dentist.

a. Should

b. Should be

c. Should not

d. Must not

11. Muslims … wear clean cloth to mosque.

a. Be

b. Are

c. Is

d. must

12. Students should … many books.

a. Study

b. Studied

c. Not

d. Be

13. A: I play game until 2 am last night.

B: You … play game too long.

a. Should

b. Must

c. Must be

d. Should not

14. A student … ride motorbike to school.

a. Should

b. Must

c. Must not

d. Should not

15. A: Arya got 40 in his English speaking practice.

B: He should … more in English.

a. be

b. Not

c. Speak

d. Spoke

16. Your hands … clean before you eat.

a. Should not

b. Must

c. Must be

d. Must not

Fill the gaps in the text bellow with correct answers!

SMPIT Wahdah Islamiyah Makassar has some rules and obligations for students. Driving motor vehicle is illegal for students so they (17)… ride any motor vehicle to school. Parents (18) … pick their students in school. Parents (19) … late pick their children. Next, students (20) … wear shoes to school. Black shoes are compulsory.

17. a. must

b. Must not

c. Should

d. Be

18. a. must

b. go

c. should

d. must be

19. a. must not be

b. must be

c. must

d. not

20. a. must

b. should

c. must be

d. should be

Choose correct answers for questions bellow!

1 is
2 them
3 our
4 this
5 an
8 that
9 should not
10 should
11 must
12 study
13 should not
14 must not
15 speak
16 must be

1. is
2. them
3. our
4. this
5. an
6. these
7. are
8. those
9. must not be
10. should
11. must
12. study
13. should not
14. should not
15. speak
16. must be

( Fill the gaps !!)

(17) Must not

(18) should

(19) must not be

(20) should