Complete the sentences using must/might/can’t/couldn’t (have) and the correct form of the verb in the brackets.

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1. Pete didn’t turn up to do his community service. He ———- (forget) about it. I reminded him yesterday.
2. You knew it was illegal to park there. You ———- (see) the notice – it was very clear.
3. I’m not sure where Jo is. She ———- (go) round to Sally’s. They’re working on a school project together.
4. How did you know about the surprise party? Someone ———- (tell) you!
5. She’s just run a marathon. She ———- (be) completely exhausted now!
6. You ———- (spend) all your birthday money already. You got nearly Rp. 1.000.000,00!
7. We don’t know who took the money. There were lots of people in the office during the day and any of them ———- (be) the thief.
8. I ———- (leave) my keys at home. I remember falling them in my jacket pocket when I got on the bus.

Complete the sentences using must/might/can’t/couldn’t (have) and the correct form of the verb in the brackets.


1. Couldn't have forget

2. Must have see

3. Might have go

4. Must have tell

5. Must have be

6. Can't have spend

7. Might have be

8. Couldn't have


Must Have = pasti sudah

Might Have = mungkin sudah

Can't have = tidak bisa

Couldn't Have = seharusnya tidak