Buatlah teks berbahasa inggris asking and opinion berjudul the prohibition of using cell phone in school untuk 5 orang

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Buatlah teks berbahasa inggris asking and opinion berjudul the prohibition of using cell phone in school untuk 5 orang

A: what do you think about our school new rule?

B: what's the new rule?

C: the new rule is about prohibition of using cell phone in school.

D: but can we bring our cell phone, if we don't use that in the middle of the lesson?

E: i don't know. But in my opinion this new rule is bad for people who use online transportation.

D: yes, that's right. Because I'm using go-jek to go back home.

A: but maybe it's not that bad. Because the cell phone will not bother our concentration while study.

B: I'm agree with you.