Sebutkan ciri ciri apel malang dan semangka pake bahasa inggris

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Sebutkan ciri ciri apel malang dan semangka pake bahasa inggris

1.Apples have a lot of fiber which can help the health of our digestive system and also can prevent us from a bout of diarrhea . And also can function as cholesterol -reducing body fat and thus better serve dietary menu .
2. Consume apples by chewing or biting can be useful to increase the production of saliva in the mouth Dallam . This can be useful for lowering the levels of bacteria in our mouths Dallam and also can protect teeth from kropos and other diseases .
3. Apples contain antioxidants that can boost immunity .
4. They can protect the eyes from cataracts
5. Reduce the risk of Alzheimer's in the brain terserangnya .
6. Apple skin can be used as a drug to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the liver , colon and so on
7. Can be useful Dallam treting anemia
8. Remover weaknesses and increase the vitality of the human