Contoh dialog bahasa inggris 3 orangg dalam membeli laoptop

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Contoh dialog bahasa inggris 3 orangg dalam membeli laoptop

Ini ceritanya ada dua orang yang bersahabat yang bernama Karin dan Imel.Penjualnya kita sebut shop keeper.

Shop Keeper : Welcome to our shop,what can i do for you?
Karin : we want to buy a mitsubishi laptop
Imel :yap,and the color is pink…is it there in here?
Shop Keeper : Yes,of course.Wait for a minute..i will find it for you both
Karin & Imel : Okay
      A Minute Later…
Shop Keeper : Here it is..
Karin : Thank you! it's really great..what do you think Imel?
Imel : Same to you,i love it..How much do we have to pay for that?
Shop Keeper : 3.200.000 Rupiah
Karin : Okay,,here's the money
Shop Keeper : Thank you
Karin : You're welcome 

Brian:excuse me i want to buy laptop
jim:hey are you have sell laptop
shop keeper:of course,you need laptop what?